
Research Affiliations    Upcoming events    Past events

Research Affiliations and Programs

Center for Theoretical Biological Physics In 2020, CTBP was renewed and expanded to include Northeastern University! We are very excited to collaborate with other center researchers at Rice University, Baylor School of Medicine and University of Houston. Prof. Whitford is a Senior Investigator in CTBP.

Frontiers In Science (FIS) FIS is a summer research program for undergraduate researchers. Students are selected primarily from schools that do not have large research programs in place. Each year, 10-15 FIS Fellows are invited to conduct research projects in the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics at Rice University and Northeastern University. Prof. Whitford is the site coordinator for activities at Northeastern. For more information about the program, check out the FIS webpage.

RNA Institute The RNA Institute at SUNY Albany is a center for excellence in RNA research. Prof. Whitford is an external affiliated faculty member, and the group regularly participates in research-oriented activities within the institute.

HPC at NU The Whitford group is active in the development and support for HPC resources at NU. This includes continuous consultation with NU ITS, as well as involvement with the NU Research Computing Committee.

Biophysics at NU Northeastern University is an excellent enviroment for our line of work, as there are many biophysics and biological physics research groups. For information about Biological Physics at Northeastern, check out our page.

Upcoming Events

Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 We are looking forward to resuming the CTBP tech talks. You can register and check out the schedule here. Registration is free and open to all!

Fall 2025 We are happy to be helping with the meeting Molecular Biophysics in the Northeast 2025!!! It is tentatively planned for Fall 2025 at University of New Hampshire. We’re looking forward to another vibrant meeting that brings together the many excellent biophysics groups in the Northeastern US.

Past Events

2024 Due to COVID, the 3rd Symposium on Current Topics in Molecular Biophysics, which was scheduled to take place in Brazil in 2020, was postponed to 2024. We already have an excellent set of invited speakers and a beautiful venue! Learn more about the meeting at the event page.

Spring 2024 In coordination with several other biophysics groups in the region, we organized Molecular Biophysics in the Northeast 2024!!! There were more than 150 participants from more than 20 schools! We are looking forward to continuing to have these events, and we anticipate the next event will be in Spring 2025!

Fall 2023 CTBP Tech Talks included topics ranging from visualization techniques to parallel computing strategies.

November 9, 2019 The first Molecular Biophysics in the Northeast meeting was held at Northeastern University. This event brought together the active NE community of researchers that are working at the interface of physics and biology, including leading experimental and computational groups. There were more than 20 universities represented, including approximately 150 grad students, post docs and faculty.

September 24-26, 2018 The 2nd Symposium on Current Topics in Molecular Biophysics was held in Santos, Brazil.

March 2018 We organized a series of computational workshop for high school students at the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center. You can read about the event here.

March 15th, 2018 We organized a computational workshop as part of the RNA Science and its Applications Symposium.

January 5-6, 2018 Prof. Whitford co-organized a celebratory symposium at Rice University in honor of José Onuchic’s 60th birthday.

March 16th, 2017 Workshop “RNA Dynamics: Interpretation of Experiments Through Simulation,” was held at SUNY Albany

March 17th, 2016 Workshop “RNA Dynamics: Structural Modeling Through Simulation,” was held at SUNY Albany.

April 17th, 2015 The Third Workshop on HPC at The University of São Paulo.

April 11, 2015 The group participated in the New England Undergraduate Computing Symposium.

March 19, 2015 We co-organized the workshop “RNA Dynamics: Going from in vitro to in silico,” held at SUNY Albany.

May 21-23, 2014 1st Symposium on Current Topics in Molecular Biophysics, was held at the University of São Paulo.

April 14th, 2014 2WHPC: The 2nd Workshop on High Performance Computing at University of São Paulo.

April 7-9, 2014 Special Seminar by Prof. Whitford “Bridging Biology, Chemistry and Physics: Insights and Opportunities.” This seminar provided an introductory discussion on the interface of the life sciences and physical sciences, with an emphasis on opportunities at NU for undergraduate participation in research.

March 29th, 2014 New England Undergraduate Computing Symposium This event was open to all undergraduate students in New England.